samedi 6 février 2010

Joel et Clémentine

Pretty hard to figure out how you can get (easily or not) bored.
Btw, what is boring to you ?
This should have been my first question.

Still, the thing is at which point someone goes from funny to boring as hell ?
I mean, is there like a big flashing sign telling us: Ok, watch it out, boringness is on his way or what? Because when you realize (or being told) you are boring, you started asking yourself since when boringness did hit you... Then you get scared that everything you said or did, since like forever, was just so uncool. Maybe you are entirely ..
And right at this moment, you start to change.
But how can you know if this might be the king of boring-joy-making-you-so-cute Mr. Right has been looking for?

Think it reverse.
your own boringness makes you charming.
Can't remerber who said boring was the new black...

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